The qualitative approach emphasizes on ethnographic research and its specific data analysis. This will be followed by an examination of two main approaches in research, i.e. The discussion begins with an explanation of theoretical framework, research problem, literature review and research plans. This course will give students an in-depth understanding of various research methods in anthropology and sociology. The strengths and limitation of the theories are discussed in detail. Throughout the discussion the students are expected to understand the development of social thoughts originating from the tradition of the philosophy of positivism to the philosophy of empiricism as highlighted in the main theories, for example, structural-functionalism, Marxism, symbolic interactionism and structuralism. The history of the establishment of modern knowledge and social thought inherent in classical sociology and early anthropology of the period is examined. The discussion takes into consideration the social history and intellectual background that influence the ideas and approaches undertaken by the early theorists such as Comte, Spencer, Ibnu Khaldun, Morgan, Tylor, Marx, Engels, Weber, Durkheim, Boas, Westermarck, Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski. The course discusses the contributions of social thinkers to the development of the discipline of anthropology and sociology before the nineteenth and until early twentieth centuries. It is hoped that the combination of the structural and historical perspectives will contribute towards a deeper understanding of the existing Malaysian social system. Using the ethnic and class perspectives the main elements of the Malaysian social structure will be identified. As such, this course is to explain and discuss the evolution of the Malaysian social system from the historical and political-economy perspectives. Malaysian society is a social system with its own history and structure that is constantly changing due to the impact and influence of the local and global social forces. This course is about ‘man’, ‘society’, and ‘culture’ of Malaysia. Finally, simple hypothesis testing using parametric and non-parametric tests will also be taught. The course will also focus on the logic of quantitative data analysis, including measures of central tendency and dispersion, measures of associations and test of significance for appropriate levels of measurement. Discussion will initially focus on interrelationship between research concepts, questionnaires and numbers. Topics covered include description of social data in graphic and non-graphic form, the logic of statistical inference and significance test. The primary goal of this course is to offer a conceptual understanding of basic procedures in statistics and the use of these procedures in research and writing. Finally, lectures will touch upon the contribution of the founding fathers of sociology, namely Comte, Marx, Durkheim and Weber. Students will be briefly introduced to sociological methods.

In order for students to develop their own sociological imagination, this course begins by introducing basic and relevant concepts such as social institutions, social stability and social control, social inequality and mobility, complex organizations, deviance and crime, race and ethnic relations, gender issues, social interactions within the economic institution, politics and government, education, belief systems and religion, population and urbanization, collective behaviour and social movements, and globalization. This course introduces sociology as a discipline that studies social change and interactions in modern industrializing societies. Using case studies from diverse societies the course emphasizes on appreciating cultural differences and its implications doing long-term fieldwork in studying cultures and societies and learning to think analytically about other people’s lives and our own. The course begins with a description on the historical development of anthropology and its scopes. This course introduces students to the methods and perspectives of social/cultural anthropology in understandin g those societies. SKAA3133 Teori Antropologi & Sosiologi LanjutanĪnthropologists have from the beginning focussed their attention to the diversity of cultures and societies around the world.

SKAA2123 Perubahan Sosial dan Pembangunan

SKAA2043 Metodologi Penyelidikan Antropologi dan Sosiologi